WhatsApp my Entrepreneur!

WhatsApp my Entrepreneur!


WhatsApp my Entrepreneur !

A new collaboration from the Women in Business Group and Payemoji is set to unlock a toolkit of essential digital services to female entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland. You can read about it here


There are so many challenges facing new business owners today, with that added pressure that many business owners feel their business must be online in a mobile first world, especially when the business owner may not be technical and there is a plethora of choices and decisions to make. At Payemoji we wanted to help these entrepreneurs succeed with our knowledge, skills, and conversational commerce technology. We reached out to collaborate with Women in Business Northern Ireland (WIBNI), a leader in supporting women entrepreneurs to succeed.  

“Entrepreneurs need to be at the forefront of technology and keep in touch with their customers, and this (Payemoji) platform is an easy way to do that. Women entrepreneurs can trial a way to improve their business efficiency and communications."

Roseann Kelly, CEO of Women in Business Northern Ireland.


What challenges are facing Entrepreneurs?

There is a great study from the smallbusiness.co.uk  that list the challenges faced by many new businesses in the UK. A summary of the top challenges is listed below:

  1. Attracting New Customers
    • 79pc of UK SMEs toughest challenge was attracting new customers (Source: Statista study challenges UK SMEs
  2. Increasing Revenue
    • Nearly six in 10 (59pc) SMEs found increasing revenue problematic.
  3. Profitability
    • Focus to reduce costs, increase turnover, increase productivity and efficiency.
  4. Embracing technology
    • Reduce tasks, make business simpler and support customer engagement.
  5. Promoting your business
    • Just having a website & / or social presence is not enough.


Many of these challenges are related to the digital transformation of the business and how to effectively engage customers online effectively. What we hear is the similar refrains.

“There are so many apps to choose from. How do I choose if I am not technical?”

“How do they all fit together?”

“Which components do I really need?”

“How do my customers like to interact with businesses?”

“Do I need an expensive IT company to support me?”



How can Payemoji WhatsApp business solutions help?

Payemoji offers a unique and innovative service enabling businesses to engage with customers in real-time through messaging. Messaging apps provide a new way of engaging customers delivering the experience and functionality of a mobile app without the complexity. The in-built chat bot allows businesses to respond automatically on queries as simple as opening hours to complex customer interactions underpinned with the essential digital tools such as payments, eCommerce, booking and promotions to complete transactions.

Probably the best way to understand the value is to see the service in action through this demo video.



Payemoji can help your Business to grow through WhatsApp.

Payemoji allows small businesses to use WhatsApp to engage customers, sell products & services, accept payments, take bookings and so much more, and the small business does not need any IT skills to get setup.

Every business will get their own local mobile number that can be used on Google, website, social media, or business cards to engage the trade business. Payemoji will also provide QR codes to provide a quick way for customers to scan and launch a message to the business. It is quite easy for businesses to advertise their Payemoji service simply by using the new phone number provided, and there is no need for any Apps to be downloaded by the clients.

Each business is given their own messaging chat bot and businesses can present a structured menu to allow their customers to find out answers to questions. WhatsApp is a great channel to offer Customer Support and the Payemoji Chat bots can answer customer questions like opening hours, location, or provide simple tips or how to guides on common issues for example – stains on furniture, new paving options, what to do about leaky taps.

Payemoji offers a shared WhatsApp inbox for all the staff of the business. This allows any employee (that has been given permission by the business owner) to see how the messages between the Payemoji chat bot and the customer. At any time, the staff or the customer can interject and take over the conversation. This means that no conversation is ever lost between a customer and your business, and it’s always easy to hand over conversations from one employee to the next.

For service businesses like pet groomers, hairdressers, or plumbers, Payemoji enables businesses to offer appointments through WhatsApp. Customers can book appointments directly from WhatsApp and then digitally pay using their Credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Sending reminders is easy with WhatsApp and customers will be sure to see them in their conversation history.

Payemoji is a great for businesses to offer promotions through WhatsApp. Any customer that engages with a business owners have the phone numbers of their customers, conversational commerce can be used to send messages of exclusive deals and promotions (e.g., 20% discount on spring landscaping).

All customer transactions are captured in your very own business dashboard. Through the business dashboard you will be able to see all your orders, payments, top products, top customers, and even new customers. These business dashboards will provide great insights on how your business is doing and what areas need more attention.

 Figure: Business Dashboard for all your customer transactions

Collaboration with Women in Business NI

A new collaboration from the Women in Business Group and Payemoji is set to unlock a toolkit of essential digital services to female entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland. Payemoji is offering free trials to eligible members of Women in Business, the largest network for businesswomen in Northern Ireland which supports founders at all stages of entrepreneurship, from idea to start-up. We also offer full white glove treatment; we will get on a call and help every entrepreneur to set up their business going with conversational commerce.

"We are excited to work with Women in Business Northern Ireland to support women entrepreneurs in the Yes You Can program; Our platform provides a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with customers and drive sales through messaging apps. We look forward to helping the women of Northern Ireland achieve their business goals."

Michael Higgins, CEO of Payemoji.

Sounds Interesting?

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business!   

So go ahead and join the conversation by taking advantage of the 23 hours that consumers spend per week on their Messaging Apps and use that to grow your Business. Talk to our sales today!