Never Miss a Message with Payemoji

Never Miss a Message with Payemoji

Never miss a Conversation with Shared Inbox 

One of our earliest customers uses our WhatsApp message concierge service to engage with their clients 24x7 provide information about their products and services, offer support, and even allow customers to order products and services from their eCommerce Store. In fact, most of their business is now conducted over WhatsApp messaging, whereas a year ago it was via their website or by phone. This is called Conversational Commerce and contrary to perception small businesses can also benefit as a customer has witnessed. We like to listen what our customers have to say about our service, and a lot of our customers asked for a simple way to see conversations between their clients and the Message Concierge, allow customers to request support from a human or allow the business owners or staff to interject. We call this service our shared inbox and we just released it this month. Let me explain a bit more how it helps businesses offer better support. 


How does a shared inbox help improve customer support? 

Payemoji enables small businesses to engage with their customers using messaging apps like WhatsApp. We provide every small business a local mobile number and a messaging concierge that can answer most customer queries, allowing the business owner to focus on growing their business. Many business owners are naturally concerned initially about handing over client engagement to essentially a message chat bot. One of the first benefits of our shared inbox is that every conversation between the businesses’ customers and the Message concierge is visible to the business owner within the shared inbox. This provides enormous piece of mind for the business owner. 

If the message concierge is not able to answer any questions a Customer may have, the customer can at anytime request support or speak (or more appropriately message) with a human or agent. When the customer requests to speak with a human a notification is sent to the business owner or admin(s). The admin then simply needs to go to the shared inbox and for the customer conversation, request to handover from the message chat bot to agent mode, and all subsequent messages are between the admin and the customer. At the end of the dialogue, the admin can switch back from agent to chatbot mode with the click of a button. 

As every conversation is recorded, all the phone numbers of the customers are also recorded by Payemoji for the business. Don’t worry this is all GPDR compliant and never will be visible to anyone else. This allows a business owner the potential to promote to their customers through messaging, and with a 98% open rate for messaging this is a highly effective form of communication.  

One of my favorite use cases for the shared inbox is the ability to switch from one staff member to another staff member seamlessly. As the conversation history is always visible, at any time the conversation can be handed from chat bot to agent, and different staff members can take over supporting a customer, as the shared inbox supports multi-user i.e., multiple admins can view the same inbox.  

Our Payemoji shared inbox is shown below. On the left-hand tab, all the customer conversations are shown. There is a handy search option to enter in phone numbers (whole or partial) to search a customer conversation. Within a conversation, colour coding is used to distinguish between the chat bot, the customer and when an agent takes over. Switchover from Chatbot to Agent and vice versa is a simple click of a toggle button. 



Payemoji Shared multi-user Inbox 


Benefits of Payemoji for Small Business? 

Small businesses can benefit from conversational commerce in many ways from customer support to allowing customers to order products and services. We detail the main ways conversational commerce helps small businesses here: 

  • Customer Support with message concierge: Simple chat bots can answer basic customer questions like opening hours, location, or provide simple tips or how to guides.  
  • Personalized service with shared inbox: When customers need a more personal touch, it is possible to handover conversations from the chat bot to a human. 
  • Free up time and save labour: Small businesses owners can free up precious time by allowing automation to engage with customers on simple repetitive tasks, and this will allow the business owners to focus on a more personalized service. 
  • eCommerce store: Business owners can put their products and services on an eCommerce store and allow their customers to order and pay, ensuring higher revenues and higher sales closures. Any issues the customers have can always be answered through messaging. 
  • Loyalty: As every customer will engage with their phones, business owners will now have the phone number of every customer that engages with their business and understand new versus repeat customers preferences. Business owners can encourage repeat sales by offering a loyalty program. 
  • Promotions: Once the business owner has the phone numbers of their customers, conversational commerce can be used to send messages of special deals and promotions (e.g., 2 for 1 Wednesdays). 
  • No Apps to download for customers: This is critical as many consumers do not like to download Mobile Apps for small businesses and this can be an unnecessary friction. 


At Payemoji we enable Messenger Apps for Conversational Commerce for small businesses. Every small business gets a local mobile number (separate from their business number) and a QR code(s) that make it simple for your customers to engage through a Messenger App with your Business. Best of all your customers will never have to leave their favorite messenger app to engage with your business.  


Sounds Interesting?

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business!   

So go ahead and join the conversation by taking advantage of the 23 hours that consumers spend per week on their Messaging Apps and use that to grow your Business. Talk to our sales today!