The Way We Communicate Has Changed

The Way We Communicate Has Changed

The Way we Communicate has Changed – How can your Business Benefit?  

The primary service was voice calling when cell phones were first introduced. The additional features were designed to facilitate calling like voice mail, caller line identification, redial, and roaming voice calls where folks could call your number and it would reach you anywhere in the world. However, if you were to look at most people’s call records today it would be empty or near empty. Most people communicate using Messaging Applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage and increasingly they are using their Messaging Applications to communicate with Business. 


‘7 out of 10 people feel more connected to Business they can Message with And over 65% of people prefer Messaging over using their email and phone.’

Source Kanter Business Messaging Usage Research 


Why is Messaging Critical to your Business Growth? 

Long gone are the days when we were tied to our landline phones waiting for a call, mobiles have long since changed how we communicate. In the last few years, we have changed how we communicate on our cell phone, and we primarily communicate using Messaging Apps. In fact, the number of people using Messaging Apps surpassed three billion in 2021, and for most people it is one of three apps: WhatsApp (2B Users), Facebook Messenger (1.3B users), and WeChat (1.2B users primarily China, Asia). There are regional variances, for example in the UK and USA the top Messenger Apps are Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Snapchat.  


“150B+ Messages are used by people everyday”

Source Meta April 2022 


In Asia, some of these platforms (WeChat, WhatsApp) have been transformed into super-apps, offering all sorts of features like digital payments, embedded ordering of products and services, live videos, m-commerce, and mini-programs that work inside the messaging platform. Increasingly in Western Europe and North America messaging applications are being used to engage with businesses like airports, airlines, banks. This is because Messaging is an extremely popular way for people to engage and communicate and provide native capabilities directly within the Messaging Apps. By engaging consumers directly from within the Messaging App, this provides a seamless consumer experience and higher conversion rate. 


‘68% of International adults said they prefer to message with a business now than I did prior to the Pandemic.’

Business Messaging Study Facebook Sept 2020 


Payemoji – Enabling the conversation with your customer  

At Payemoji we enable Messenger Apps with AI chat bot for small businesses to converse with your Customers. Every small business gets their own AI Chat Bot, a local mobile number (separate from their business number) and a QR code(s) that make it simple for your customers to engage through a Messenger App with your AI Chat bot. This will then allow small businesses to offer customer support, offer an eCommerce store to allow their customers to buy goods and pay digitally all through the AI Chat bot on any Messenger App. Small businesses can offer loyalty programs as their customer numbers are stored. Integration into social media platforms and internet platforms is also easy i.e., local number, a QR codes or even we offer a simple plug-ins. All this is available through our solution, and best of all your customers will never have to leave their favorite messenger app to engage with your AI chat bot for your business.  


Sounds Interesting? 

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business! 

So go ahead and join the conversation by taking advantage of the 23 hours that consumers spend per week on their Messaging Apps. 

Sign Up Here!

Sounds Interesting?

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business!   

So go ahead and join the conversation by taking advantage of the 23 hours that consumers spend per week on their Messaging Apps and use that to grow your Business. Talk to our sales today!