Payemoji Partner with 42Crunch!

Payemoji Partner with 42Crunch!

Payemoji secure partnership with 42Crunch  

 Our blog this week is to share the wonderful news of our partnership between Payemoji’s conversational commerce solution and API security leader 42Crunch, with over 800K developers who use 42Crunch security tools.  


Introduction to Conversational commerce API security 

Conversational commerce has transformed the way businesses engage with their customers. Through messaging platforms, voice assistants, and chatbots, companies can now offer personalized recommendations, process transactions, provide customer support, and gather valuable insights. This level of interaction and convenience has significantly enhanced customer experiences, resulting in increased sales and customer loyalty. 

At the heart of conversational commerce lies the integration of various technologies and systems through APIs. APIs allow different software applications to communicate and exchange data, enabling seamless connectivity between chatbots, backend systems, databases, payment gateways, and other third-party services. APIs act as the bridge that enables the smooth flow of information, enabling businesses to leverage conversational commerce effectively. The importance of API security     cannot be overstated. This blog explores how secure APIs help to ensure the      integrity, confidentiality, and trustworthiness of conversational commerce.  

‘Businesses are looking to engage customers using messaging apps such as WhatsApp to offer support, product updates etc. All these customer journeys require secure API integrations to business systems. We are delighted to partner with Payemoji on securing their conversational commerce APIs and allowing businesses to automate any customer journey in messaging.’  

Jacques Declas CEO 42 Crunch     


The Importance of API Security 

While APIs play a pivotal role in enhancing conversational commerce, they also introduce security risks that must be addressed. Here are some key reasons why API security is of paramount importance in this context: 

Protecting Sensitive Data: Conversational commerce often involves the exchange of sensitive customer information, such as personal details, payment credentials, and purchase history. API security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and tokenization, ensure that this data remains secure throughout the conversation, safeguarding customers' privacy and preventing unauthorized access. 

Preventing Data Breaches: APIs can be an attractive target for hackers looking to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. A breach in API security can lead to data leaks, financial losses, and reputational damage for both businesses and customers. Implementing robust security measures, such as authentication, authorization, and regular security audits, helps mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. 

Ensuring Trust and Compliance: Customers entrust businesses with their personal information when engaging in conversational commerce. API security measures, such as adherence to industry standards and compliance regulations (e.g., GDPR, PCI-DSS), demonstrate a company's commitment to protecting customer data, fostering trust, and complying with legal requirements. 

Preventing API Abuse and Fraud: APIs can be exploited for malicious purposes, such as launching denial-of-service attacks, automated bot attacks, or API scraping to gather sensitive information. By implementing strong API security measures, businesses can detect and prevent such abuses, ensuring the integrity of their conversational commerce channels. 

‘At Payemoji, we automate any customer journey with our secure & scalable OMNI Channel messaging service. This requires us to securely integrate to a business’s systems with our APIs, and thanks to this partnership with 42 Crunch our customers will be getting the very best in API security’.  

Mick Higgins CEO Payemoji     


Best Practices for API Security in Conversational Commerce 

To ensure robust API security in conversational commerce, businesses should consider the following best practices: 

Secure Authentication and Authorization: Implement strong authentication mechanisms, such as API keys, OAuth, or JWT tokens, to ensure that only authorized entities can access and use APIs. Use role-based access controls to restrict access to specific APIs and resources based on user roles and permissions. 

Encryption and Data Privacy: Encrypt sensitive data transmitted through APIs using industry-standard encryption protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS). Ensure that data is securely stored and processed, adhering to data privacy regulations and guidelines. 

Regular Security Audits and Testing: Conduct routine security audits, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments to identify and address any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in API implementations. Stay updated with security patches and follow secure coding practices. 

Rate Limiting and Traffic Management: Implement rate limiting and traffic management mechanisms to prevent API abuse, limit the impact of automated attacks, and maintain system performance and availability. 

API Monitoring and Logging: Implement robust monitoring and logging mechanisms to track API usage, detect suspicious activities, and respond promptly to security incidents. Monitor API performance metrics to identify any anomalies or potential security breaches. 



As conversational commerce continues to gain momentum, ensuring the security of APIs becomes essential for businesses looking to harness the potential of this technology. By implementing robust API security measures, organizations can safeguard sensitive data, prevent data breaches, build trust with customers, and protect their brand reputation. With the right security practices in place, businesses can confidently embrace the transformative power of conversational commerce while prioritizing the privacy and security of their customers. 

Payemoji and 42 Crunch’s partnership will focus on identifying real world enterprise use cases where conversational commerce platforms are susceptible to API attacks. The two companies will work together to improve upon practitioner tools and best practices that will be shared across their respective industries.                      


About 42 Crunch 

42Crunch enables a standardized approach to securing APIs that automates the enforcement of API security compliance across distributed development and security ecosystems. Our API security testing and protection services are used by Fortune 500 enterprises and over 800,000 developers worldwide. The 42Crunch API security platform empowers developers to build security from the IDE into the API pipeline and gives application security teams control of security policy enforcement from the CI/CD across the entire API lifecycle. This seamless DevSecOps approach to API security reduces governance costs and accelerates the delivery of secure APIs. 


About Payemoji 

Payemoji is a service of Message My Customer Ltd, a conversational commerce company based in Dublin, Ireland. Payemoji enable businesses to engage with customers, sell products & services, accept digital payments, book appointments, provide any customer and employee journey, all through everyday OMNI channel messaging apps like WhatsApp. With Payemoji, businesses and organisations can provide a better customer experience, without the complexity and cost of a mobile application. Payemoji’s platform can integrate into any enterprise system, through APIs. For more information about Payemoji, visit 



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