Forget Click and Collect, is Message and Pickup best for your Business?

Forget Click and Collect, is Message and Pickup best for your Business?


One of the things that exploded during the Pandemic was ‘Click and Collect’ service, where Consumers went onto websites and ordered products for later collection. This worked great for the Businesses that had eCommerce websites or Apps. For smaller businesses that do not have an eCommerce site and struggle to get Consumers to download their App or visit their website a better solution is to take advantage of the explosion in Conversational Commerce to enable a Message and  Pickup service through Messenger Apps.   


What is a Message and Pickup service ? 

I am always happier messaging with folks and Businesses rather than calling, as I usually have multiple things on the go. I also have a terrible memory and I really appreciate the conversation history that I can go back and look at to see what was said or what I ordered.  

This weekend I was out running errands for a BBQ we were going to have with a group of Friends on Sunday, and I had to shop at multiple different stores (Fish Mongers, Micro-Brewery, specialist grocery shop etc.). I was in a bit of a hurry, and before going out I wanted to check their opening hours and their exact business location. It was a busy weekend, and it seems a lot of folks had the same idea as me and lots of the stores had long queues.  

I tried to call many of the Businesses in advance, but of course they were too busy serving customers and had no time to pickup the phone and often the call went to a full voice mail. Strike out on the Voice Calling. Many of the stores I hadn’t been to before and Google maps is great, but often it just struggles to find some businesses and it would have been great to have some landmarks to aid navigation. 

When I have time, I also like to research the products from the different stores to get ideas for the BBQ, but most of these stores didn’t have an eCommerce store where I could browse their offerings and add to a shopping cart or wish list. This would have provided a lot more enjoyable shopping experience for me as a consumer if they provided a Conversational chat bot through Messenger App. For the Business it would have maximised sales, saved time on pickup when I arrived.  Also, the Business wouldn’t have had to answer my phone calls or have a full voice mail system. And for next time it would make it easier for me to recall what I ordered before by simply looking at my Conversation history. 

Other aspects of the shopping experience with the specialist stores could have been improved with a Messaging Chat Bot supporting their Business, such as:  

  • What are your Business hours? 
  • What is your Business location and any landmark or direction descriptions? 
  • What types of product categories and products do you offer? 
  • What are your specials of the month?  
  • Wish list and shopping carts to order and pickup products through Messaging. 
  • Re-order the same products again through Conversation history? 

At the onset of the pandemic in the United States, click and collect increased from 15% of orders to 25%, a 65% share increase.

Source:  Adobe

Payemoji – Enabling Message and Pickup for Business 

At Payemoji we enable Messenger Apps with AI chat bot for small businesses to offer a Message and Pickup Service. Every small business gets their own AI Chat Bot, a local mobile number (separate from their business number) and a QR code(s) that make it simple for your customers to engage through a Messenger App with your AI Chat bot. This will then allow small businesses to offer customer support, offer an eCommerce store to allow their customers to buy goods and pay digitally all through the AI Chat bot on any Messenger App. Small businesses can offer loyalty programs as their customer numbers are stored. Integration into social media platforms and internet platforms is also easy i.e., local number, a QR codes or even we offer a simple plug-ins. All this is available through our solution, and best of all your customers will never have to leave their favorite messenger app to engage with your AI chat bot for your business.  


Sounds Interesting? 

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business! 

So go ahead and start thinking about how Message and Pickup grow your Business and increase sales! 

Sign Up Here!

Sounds Interesting?

With Payemoji your Business can experience the power of Messaging Apps for Small Business, all for a low monthly subscription fee… who said conversational commerce was only for big business!   

So go ahead and join the conversation by taking advantage of the 23 hours that consumers spend per week on their Messaging Apps and use that to grow your Business. Talk to our sales today!